| Akron Foundry Company | Robert A. Sik | https://www.akronfoundry.com/ |
| Alaska Department of Transportation | Alaska Department of Transportation | http://dot.alaska.gov/ |
| Allied Tube & Conduit | Allied Tube & Conduit | https://www.atc-mechanical.com/telespar/ |
| American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials | AASHTO | https://www.transportation.org/ |
| ArcelorMittal USA, LLC | Richard Clausius | https://corporate.arcelormittal.com/ |
| Asset Integrity Management Solutions, LLC | AIMS Composites | https://aimscomposites.com/ |
| Bexar Concrete Works I, Ltd. | Bexar Concrete Works I, Ltd. | |
| Brifen USA, Inc. | Richard Butler | http://brifenusa.com/ |
| California Department of Transportation | Roadside Safety Research Group | https://dot.ca.gov/ |
| Center for Collision Safety and Analysis (CCSA) | Dhafer Marzougui, D.Sc. | https://www.ccsa.gmu.edu/ |
| Chicago Heights Steel | Chicago Heights Steel | http://www.chs.com |
| CLAMPCRETE Construction Systems | CLAMPCRETE | http://www.clampcrete.com/index.html |
| Colorado Department of Transportation | Colorado DOT | https://www.codot.gov/ |
| Connecticut Department of Transportation | Connecticut DOT | https://portal.ct.gov/DOT |
| Conti Enterprises, Inc. | Conti Enterprises | https://www.contienterprises.com/ |
| CSP Pacific | CSP Pacific | https://www.csp.co.nz/ |
| Cumberland Barrier, Inc. | Cumberland Barrier | https://www.cumberlandbarrier.com/ |
| Delaware Department of Transportation | Delaware DOT | https://deldot.gov/ |
| DELTABLOC International GmbH | DELTABLOC International | https://deltabloc.com/en |
| Dent Breakaway Industries, Inc. | Mr. Clifford Dent | http://www.dentbreakaway.com |
| Designovations, Inc. | Jim Anderson | http://www.designovations.com |
| DeWALT Anchors | DeWALT Anchors | http://anchors.dewalt.com/anchors/ |
| Durisol Ltd. | Michael Pruden | https://www.durisol.com/ |
| Earth Wall Products, LLC | Earth Wall Products, LLC | https://earthwallproducts.com/ |
| Easi-Set Worldwide | Easi-Set Worldwide | https://easiset.com/ |
| ECL Engineering, PLLC | Eric C. Lohrey, PE | |
| ETI USA, Inc. | ETI USA, Inc. | https://www.etiusainc.com/ |
| Federal Highway Administration | Eastern Federal Lands Highway Division (EFL) | https://highways.dot.gov/federal-lands |
| Federal Highway Administration | FHWA Office of Safety | https://safety.fhwa.dot.gov/roadway_dept/ |
| Florida Department of Transportation | Florida DOT | https://www.fdot.gov/ |
| Franklin Industries | Franklin Industries | http://franklinindustriesco.com/ |
| Frey Manufacturing Corp. | Mr. Michael Frey | http://freymfgcorp.com/index.html |
| Georgia Department of Transportation | Georgia DOT | http://www.dot.ga.gov/ |
| Gibraltar Global, LLC | Gibraltar Global, LLC | https://gibraltarglobal.com/ |
| Gregory Highway | Jeff Grover | https://www.gregorycorp.com/gregory-highway |
| GSI Highway Products | John Williams | https://www.gsihighway.com/ |
| Hapco Pole Products | Hapco Pole Products | https://www.hapco.com |
| Hawaii Department of Transportation | Hawaii DOT | https://hidot.hawaii.gov/ |
| Highway Care Ltd. | Mr. Adrian Bullock | https://www.highwaycare.com/ |
| Highway Safety Corp | Highway Safety Corp | http://www.highwaysafety.net/ |
| Hill & Smith PLC | Hill & Smith PLC | https://hillandsmithinfrastructure.com |
| Hill & Smith, Inc. | Cecil Brown | http://www.hillandsmith.com |
| Illinois Tollway | Illinois Tollway | https://www.illinoistollway.com |
| Indiana Department of Transportation | Indiana DOT | https://www.in.gov/indot/ |
| Industrias Duero, S.L. | Industrias Duero | https://industriasduero.com/en/ |
| Industry AMS S.r.l. | Roberto Impero | https://www.smaroadsafety.com/en |
| Ingal Civil Products | Ingal Civil Products | https://www.ingalcivil.com.au/ |
| ITW Red Head | ITW Red Head | https://www.itw-redhead.com |
| Kansas Department of Transportation | Kansas DOT | http://www.ksdot.org/ |
| KSI Global Australia Pty Ltd | KSI Global Australia | http://www.ksiglobal.com.au/ |
| Lancaster Composite | Lancaster Composite | http://lancastercomposite.com/ |
| Laura Metaal Road Safety | Laura Metaal Road Safety | https://www.laurametaal.com/us/roadsafety-usa |
| Lindsay Transportation Solutions | Lindsay Transportation Solutions | http://www.barriersystemsinc.com |
| Louisiana Department of Transportation | Louisiana DOTD | http://wwwsp.dotd.la.gov/Pages/default.aspx |
| Maryland Department of Transportation | Maryland DOT | https://www.mdot.maryland.gov/pages/home.aspx |
| Maryland Transportation Authority | Maryland Transportation Authority | https://mdta.maryland.gov/ |
| MDS LLC | Malcolm H. Ray, MDS LLC | |
| Michigan Department of Transportation | Michigan DOT | https://www.michigan.gov/mdot |
| Midwest Roadside Safety Facility | Ronald K. Faller, P.E., Ph.D. | http://mwrsf.unl.edu |
| Mobile Barriers LLC | Mobile Barriers LLC | https://www.mobilebarriers.com/ |
| Mondo Polymer Technologies | Mondo Polymer Technologies | http://www.mondopolymer.com |
| Nevada Department of Transportation | Nevada DOT | https://www.nevadadot.com/ |
| New England Transportation Consortium | New England Transportation Consortium | https://www.newenglandtransportationconsortium.org/ |
| New Jersey Department of Transportation | New Jersey DOT | https://www.nj.gov/transportation/ |
| New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority | New York Metropolitan Transportation Authority | https://www.mta.info/ |
| New York State Department of Transportation | New York State DOT | https://www.dot.ny.gov/index |
| New York State Thruway Authority | New York State Thruway Authority | https://www.thruway.ny.gov/index.shtml |
| North Carolina DOT | NCDOT | https://www.ncdot.gov/Pages/default.aspx |
| Northern Infrastructure Products | Ben Powell | http://www.northern-ip.com/ |
| Nucor Steel Marion, Inc. | Steve Conway | http://www.nucorhighway.com/ |
| Oklahoma Department of Transportation | Oklahoma DOT | https://oklahoma.gov/odot.html |
| Oregon Deptartment of Transportation | Oregon DOT | https://www.oregon.gov/ODOT/Pages/index.aspx |
| Pennsylvania Department of Transportation | PennDOT | https://www.penndot.gov |
| Plastic Safety Systems, Inc. | Plastic Safety Systems | https://www.pss-innovations.com/ |
| POLYVANTIS Sanford, LLC | Jeffrey Zgorski | https://www.polyvantis.com |
| Precision Form, Inc. | Precision Form, Inc. | http://www.precisionform.com/ |
| Quality Bridge & Fab, Inc. | Tony Ghioldi | https://www.qualitybridgeandfab.com |
| R.G. Steel Corp. | R.G. Steel Corp. | http://www.rgsteel.com/ |
| REBLOC GmbH | REBLOC GmbH | https://www.rebloc.com/us/ |
| Road Systems, Inc. | John C. Durkos | http://www.roadsystems.com/ |
| RoadSafe LLC | Chuck Plaxico | http://roadsafellc.com |
| Rockingham Precast | Rockingham Precast | http://www.rockinghamprecast.com |
| S. I. Storey Lumber Co., Inc. | S. I. Storey Lumber Co., Inc. | http://www.sistoreylumber.com |
| Safe Barriers Pte. Ltd. | Russell Hood | https://www.safebarriers.com/ |
| Safe Direction | Mr. Terry Colquhoun | https://www.safedirection.com.au/ |
| Saferoads Pty Ltd | Mr. Casey McMaster | https://www.saferoads.com.au/ |
| Safety Base, Ltd. | Safety Base, Ltd. | http://www.safetybaseltd.com/ |
| South Carolina Dept. of Transportation | South Carolina DOT | https://www.scdot.org/ |
| Strongstown B&K Enterprises | Mr. Forrest Schultz | https://strbk.com/ |
| Task Force 13 | TF13 Guide Manager | https://tf13guides.org/Guides |
| Texas A&M Transportation Institute | Roger Bligh, Ph.D. | http://tti.tamu.edu/ |
| Texas Department of Transporation | Texas DOT | https://www.txdot.gov/ |
| Traffic & Parking Control Co., Inc. | TAPCO | https://www.tapconet.com/ |
| TrafFix Devices, Inc. | TrafFix Devices, Inc. | https://www.traffixdevices.com/ |
| Transpo Industries, Inc. | Transpo Industries, Inc. | http://www.transpo.com/ |
| Ultimate Highway Solutions | Ultimate Highway Solutions | http://www.uhsolutions.net/ |
| Universal Industrial Sales, Inc. | Universal Industrial Sales, Inc. | https://www.uisutah.com/ |
| Valentine & Company | Heath E. Valentine | http://valentinecompany.com/ |
| Valmont Highway | Valmont Highway International Pty. Ltd. | https://www.valmonthighway.com/home |
| Valmont Industries, Inc. | Valmont Industries, Inc. | https://www.valmont.com |
| VALTIR, LLC (f/k/a Trinity Highway) | VALTIR, LLC | https://www.valtir.com/ |
| Verdegro USA LLC | Verdegro USA | https://www.verdegro.com/ |
| Volkmann and Rossbach GmbH & Co. KG | Volkmann and Rossbach | https://www.volkmann-rossbach.com/ |
| Washington State Dept. of Transportation | Washington State DOT | https://wsdot.wa.gov/ |
| West Virginia Dept. of Transportation | West Virginia DOT | https://transportation.wv.gov/Pages/default.aspx |
| West-East Partners, LLC | West-East Partners, LLC | http://www.west-eastpartners.com |
| WSP USA, Inc. | WSP USA, Inc. | https://www.wsp.com/en-US |
| Wyoming Department of Transportation | Wyoming Department of Transportation | http://www.dot.state.wy.us/home.html |
| XavierC, LLC | Sydney D. Chase | http://www.xavierc.net/index.html |
| Xcessories Squared Dev. & Mfg. Inc. | Greg Kirchgesner | http://www.x-sqrd.com |